Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
Medical Acupuncture
Lifestyle Medicine
Dr Knecht's Approach
​Dr. Knecht's favorite medical quote is from A.T. Still, MD, DO, the founder of osteopathic medicine: "It is the object of the physician to find health, anyone can find disease. Traditional medical training in the US teaches doctors how to find disease and control it with modern medicine and surgery. It however doesn't teach doctors well to help patients prevent disease or reverse the diseases that they have. He works with his patients live healthier lives through things like nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress reduction.
The Osteopathic approach to medicine looks at the patient as a whole, considering how their mind, body and spirit all influence their state of health. Dr. Knecht takes this approach and incorporates Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment and medical acupuncture into his holistic patient care. He also has a different approach to how care is accessed. With a concierge approach, serving the Long Island, NY and NYC Metro Area, he brings his office to you. Whether you have a chronic medical problem, a pain problem or just want to live a healthier life and prevent disease, schedule a Discovery Call to find out how Dr. Knecht can help you or look a the services section to learn more.